Transportation & Logistics

Clean data for operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and managing the customer experience.

Transportation & Logistics
Innovate at the speed of data

Increase operational efficiency and customer satisfaction with reliable data

Deploy a comprehensive data management solution for all of your data: customer, geolocation, equipment, partner, and more. Effectively using and combining these types of data brings a range of benefits, including improved customer experience, better capacity and route planning, prevention of equipment breakage, and compliance with privacy regulations.


How Ataccama ONE helps to manage the customer experience

Ataccama ONE uses advanced matching algorithms to integrate and consolidate customer data from different source systems and enrich it with any internal or third-party information to generate accurate customer segments.

Manage the customer experience

Improve customer experience and manage retention by using reliable, duplicate-free data to send offers, information about delays, and updates to the right customers.

How it works

How Ataccama ONE helps with capacity and route planning

Ataccama ONE lets you manage reference data in a single location, approve changes in a governed, audited process, and publish changes to any subscribing systems.

Capacity and route planning

Power your ERP for reliable capacity and route planning and decrease IT overhead with centrally maintained and managed equipment data of any size or complexity.

How it works

How Ataccama ONE helps to keep track of equipment

Ataccama ONE cleanses, validates, and combines operational and reference data to provide the best data to machine learning models.

Keep track of equipment

Deploy predictive analytics models to prevent equipment breakage and decrease maintenance costs.

How it works

How Ataccama ONE helps to comply with privacy regulations

Ataccama ONE provides a bird's eye view of your data landscape by automatically crawling and discovering data sources, tagging data, and generating data lineage. By consolidating customer data in a central MDM hub, it then enables managing all PII and consent data centrally.

Comply with privacy regulations

Get a complete understanding of where you store and use PII data, effectively manage consents, and protect personal data (rectify, anonymize, or delete data as needed).

How it works

“Ataccama product development and support team is well engaged with customer needs and wants.“

Sr. Manager Data Warehouse Technologies
Transportation industry
Success Story

US Passenger Airline

Data Quality
Reference Data Management

One of the world’s largest airlines undertook a major Reference Data Management initiative with Ataccama and enabled successful collaboration between IT and business users.

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US Passenger Airline

More transportation customers and success stories

Success Story
European Railway Operator

European Railway Operator

Reference Data Management Transportation Success Story

Ataccama enabled reliable capacity, route, and financial planning via a…

Success Story
Marti Group Success Story

Marti Group Success Story

Transportation Data Governance Data Governance

Data fully managed, secure and in one place with Ataccama.

Success Story
US Passenger Airline

US Passenger Airline

Data Quality Reference Data Management Transportation

One of the world’s largest airlines undertook a major Reference Data Management…

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