CDAO Deep Dive: Data Governance Online |Data Governance with Limited Resources
Organizations who want to improve their data governance are juggling multiple challenges at once, including establishing a highly effective data governance strategy, finding experienced people capable of executing it, and the need to act quickly with limited resources.
Luckily, there is a way through these challenges. Automating metadata capture revolutionises the process of rolling out an enterprise data catalog. It eliminates the need to manually populate business metadata and enables users to focus on what matters: introducing and improving data governance.
Join the session to learn how to:
- Scale your data catalog and data quality initiatives with AI and automation
- Transform crowdsourcing from a tedious duty to an opportunity for data experts to share their insights
- Gain access to a larger ecosystem of available resources by scanning all data sources automatically, increasing the value available to data stewards and data citizens
This session is part of the CDAO Deep Dive Data Governance webinar series (October 20-23).