DataVision 2020 Virtual Conference (APAC/India) | Modernizing Data Governance: Data Discovery, Data Quality & Beyond

Panel Discussion

What goes into developing data governance best practices with active consideration for personal data protection laws? This session will discuss how to build a sustainable data governance program – one that you can launch quickly while ensuring long-term success.

The panelists will address pressing concerns such as how to keep people in the organization motivated to use it and how to make sure your people are engaged in value-added activity.

Join Ataccama EVP Afshin Lotfi and fellow panelists as they discuss how to successfully kick off, sustain, and scale data governance for digital organizations. Sign up for access to the panel and other sessions on recent trends, best practices and the future direction of data management.

This panel discussion is part of the DataVision 2020 Virtual Conference.

14 Oct 2020, 16:55 AEDT
This event has already happened.